Position | Name | |
President | Dr. Renjy Nelson | |
Vice President | Phiji Philip George | |
Secretary | Ms. Luisa Mozzi | |
Treasurer | Tijo Thomas | fovsatreasurer@gmail.com |
Newsletter Editor | Mr. Gary Fielke | safriendsofvellore@gmail.com |
38B Thomas Street,
South Plympton, SA 5038
Tijo Thomas,
38B Thomas Street,
South Plympton SA 5038
BSB: 633 000
Account No: 163 290 497
Please Email details of any deposits to : fovsatreasurer@gmail.com
SA FOV has not hosted any fund-raising dinners since 2020 as a result of the impact of COVID 19. However, SA FOV participated in the national drive to raise funds to help CMC to deal with the 2nd wave which led to shortages in oxygen and high mortality in the country. CMC Alumni association partnered with Health Serve Australia to contribute towards Mission Hospitals with the help of CMAI who coordinated the distribution of funds in India.
An informal Meet & Greet dinner event was held on February 11th 2023. Dr J V Peter who was visiting Adelaide at the time spoke at the meeting. The meeting was attended by over 70 people including a number of people who were attending an FOV event for the fierst time. SA FOV held its second clinical meeting after the COVID 19 restrictions were lifted in May 2021, on the 23rd of June 2023 at the Rosefield Uniting Church. Dr Kingsly Robert Gnanadurai, physician, Dr V J Chandy, orthopaedic surgeon and V Seth, 6th year medical student and president of the Adelaide University Medical School Students Association gave Dr Chandy and Gnanadurai gave inspiring talks describing their experiences in Mission hospitals, CMC and finally in Adelaide. V Seth who had just returned from CMC gave an account of his experience in CMC. The AGM 2023 will be held in November this year.
SA FOV and Adelaide university signed an MOU in August 2021. This will provide bilateral opportunities for research and teaching collaboration.
Associate Professor Philippa Rasmussen, Deputy Dean International at the University of Adelaide, travelled to CMC, Vellore as part of a contingent to India led by the Vice Chancellor. She spent a productive two and a half days touring the campuses and meeting a number of people.
SA FOV has a new facebook page, courtesy Gary Fielke. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086705256294
Another highlight of the last few years has been the addition of a number of new people to the SA FOV committee including a number of alumni. WE plan to start planning with a view to resume the FOV fund raising dinners from next year.
Thank you,
Renjy Nelson