Australian Friends of Vellore

Dr Ida Scudder

One eventful night in 1890, Ida Scudder, then a young girl visiting her missionary parents in South India was asked to help three women from different families struggling in difficult childbirth. Custom prevented them from accepting the help of a male doctor and being without training at the time Ida herself could do nothing. The next morning she was shocked to learn that each of these women had died. She believed that it was a calling and a challenge set before her by God to begin a ministry to the health needs of the people of India, particularly women and children.

Consequently, she went back to America, entered medical training and in 1899 was one of the first women graduates of the Cornell Medical College, USA. Shortly thereafter, she returned to India and opened a one-bed Clinic in Vellore in 1900. Two years later in 1902, she built the 40-bed Mary Taber Schell Memorial Hospital, the forerunner of today’s large, well-known, and well equipped Hospital complex.

Dr Ida S Scudder soon realised that the dire need around her was far greater than what one person could meet. She was convinced that the best way to help the women of India was to train Indian women to serve them. She began in 1903, by teaching several compounders and six years later in 1909, she started the School of Nursing. Her fondest dream came into being, a medical school for women in 1918 which trained licentiates in medicine. It became a Medical College in 1942 through her determined efforts, and men were admitted from 1947.

The Christian Medical College, founded by Ida Scudder, is now one of the leading institutions in India, known all over the world for its excellence in clinical care, medical research and education. ‘Not to be ministered unto, but to minister’ is its motto chosen by the founder and followed by the current staff  in their service to others, beyond consideration of benefit to self, leading the institution today to a real future of hope.

The Friends of Vellore (FOV) groups have been in existence for almost 60 years. Currently there are active groups of FOV in various states of Australia – New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and South Australia. The groups in the different states are located in the capital cities and they work throughout the year in various ways to support Christian Medical College and Hospital at Vellore.

Ida Scudder founded The Christian Medical College and believed that it was a calling and a challenge set before her by God to begin a ministry to the health needs of the people of India, particularly women and children. Today the CMC is now one of the leading institutions in India, known all over the world for its excellence in clinical care, medical research and education.

The Australian Board of Vellore Christian College and Hospital was established in 1956 to co-ordinate the activities of the various state branches of Friends of Vellore. For many years the board was based around the Sydney Friends of Vellore. Over the years, the Board has evolved into a truly national organisation with representation from various states of the country.