CMC Principal visits Australia
The Principal of the CMC, Dr Solomon Satishkumar, paid a brief visit to three Australian states in late October 2024.
His first port of call was Melbourne, where he had extended talks with the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences of the University of Melbourne. The two institutions have had a Memorandum of Understanding since 2017. Included among the partnerships is the Health Leadership Program, which commenced in 2020. It enables clinician-researchers from the CMC to develop their skills through PhD research. Part of the requirements for the PhD are periods of residence in Melbourne of up to six months and in total a year. So far five medical staff members have travelled to Melbourne and five more participants are expected next year. Friends of Vellore Victoria have been active in seeking contact with these short-term visitors among others, and asking them to have lunches with them and speak at AGMs etc.
On Thursday, October 29, a reception/dinner was held in honour of Dr Solomon at the beautiful venue of University’s Woodward Centre in Parkville. Close to sixty persons were present: members of the university staff, visiting CMC staff, Alumni and FOV members. Attendees were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof Jane Gunn. Academic Director India Engagement, Prof Nathan Grills was in charge of proceedings. He introduced FOVV President David Runia, who spoke about the support activities of the Friends. Other speakers were PhD candidate Dr Felix Jebasingh and two Physiotherapy students who spoke enthusiastically about their recent placement in Vellore. The chief speaker was of course the principal. Dr Solomon a most positive account of post-covid developments in Vellore. Finances are recovering, new facilities are now in full operation (notably Ranipet hospital), work will soon begin on other planned faculties (notable a magnificent paediatric hospital at the Central hospital and a new medical College at the Chittoor campus). CMC’s commitment to charity work continues unabated, as does the support given to Mission hospitals through a nation-wide network. The institution has been richly blessed as it strives to fulfil its vision to be a witness to the healing ministry of Christ, also through excellence in research.
During his Melbourne visit Dr Solomon also paid a visit to Queen’s College, where he was received by the Master, Dr Stewart Gill OAM. He was shown the honour board on which Dr Ted Gault was listed as Student Club President in 1926. He instituted the same honour boards in the Men’s Hostel when he became the foundation Warden in 1947.
After a brief detour to Brisbane to catch up with classmates and other friends, Dr Solomon concluded his trip in Adelaide. He was made welcome by FOV SA President A/Prof Renjy Nelson and had fruitful discussions with the University of Adelaide Medical Faculty. It wishes to deepen its collaboration with the CMC (a MoU has already been signed). A complication here is the imminent merger of the University of Adelaide with the University of South Australia.
Dr Solomon greatly impressed everyone who he met with his friendliness and gentle sense of humour, as well as his mastery of all the complex issues assailing to the leader of a Medical College in times of change. We may be sure that education and research in Vellore are in safe and capable hands.
1 Dean Jane Gunn welcomes attendees

2 Dr Solomon with UoM and FOV representatives: from l. to r. MDHS Deputy Dean Mike McGuckin, Dr Solomon Satishkumar, Prof Nathan Grills, Dean Gunn, Prof David Runia, Prof Margie Danchin, A/Dean International

3 Dr Solomon giving his talk. Listening are Prof Nathan Grills, Prof Manju Deena CMC, Prof Bruce Thompson MDHS; Dr Niranjan Thomas (Victoria)

4 Dinner well attended by alumni living in Victoria. 2nd from left Prof Felix Jebasingh; 3rd from right Dr Adeline Sitther, visiting from CMC

5 Dr Solomon at Queen’s College